Friday, January 6, 2012

Abortion Advocacy Groups at 6 Catholic Universities


According to the Catholic Boston College web site:

“The Students for Reproductive Justice (LSRJ) at Boston College Law School promotes discussion, education, and advocacy on issues of reproductive freedom. LSRJ works on reproductive health and choice issues such as global family planning, comprehensive sex education, contraceptive equity and birth control options, safe, legal and accessible abortion…”

Analogous pro-abortion groups can be found at other Catholic universities, including DePaul University, Fordham University, Georgetown University, Santa Clara University and Seattle University.

The term “reproductive justice” is itself a mockery of justice, for it seeks not to respect, but to abolish true justice. Real justice bestows upon all the right to life, which abortion denies and tramples. The promotion of “contraception” and “choice issues” simply contribute to the total abolition of respect for innocent human life.

Also troubling is the “global family planning” agenda, the tragic results of which are playing out in China, where more than 13 million abortions – and many forced abortions – take place each year.

More than just advocating abortion on a remote web site, Students for Reproductive Justice actively promote the culture of death. Law students at Fordham, for instance, take part in “an ongoing escort program in partnership with Planned Parenthood.” Other activities include: “a research partnership with local pro-choice legal organizations,” and “brownbags with reproductive rights activists.” At DePaul University in Chicago, Law Students for Reproductive Justice are recognized as an official student organization with a professorial advisor.

It seems almost incomprehensible that such things, so blatantly against the law of God and nature, could be tolerated in any Catholic setting.

Why are these pro-abortion groups given free reign on these Catholic campuses? How much funding do they receive to promote abortion under the false pretense of “justice”?

Please support the timeless teachings of the Church, and the restoration of Catholic education. The abortion elephant in the Catholic classroom must be expelled.

Help TFP Student Action collect 20,000 peaceful protest petitions in 20 days.

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