ALERT: Attempt to Change the Truth at two Catholic Universities
In a new effort to adulterate Catholic moral teaching, a group of dissident Catholic intellectuals, activists and students plan to gather this Fall for a four-part lecture series themed: “More than a monologue: Sexual diversity and the Catholic Church.”
Two Catholic universities, Fordham University and Fairfield University, together with Yale Divinity School and Union Theological Seminary are sponsoring the event, which will feature speakers who oppose basic Catholic moral values. According to the invitation, “post-Catholics” will be in attendance.
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Details on the four events:
Fordham University, New York (Sept. 16)
Learning to Listen: Voices of Sexual Diversity and the Catholic Church
Union Theological Seminary, New York (Oct. 1)
Pro-Queer Life: Youth Suicide Crisis, Catholic Education, and the Souls of LGBTQ People
Yale Divinity School, Connecticut (Oct. 22)
Same-Sex Marriage and the Catholic Church: Voices from Law, Religion, and the Pews
Fairfield University, Connecticut (Oct. 29)
The Care of Souls: Sexual Diversity, Celibacy, and Ministry
Who are some of the speakers?
Sr. Jeannine Gramick, co-founder of New Ways Ministry, is scheduled to lecture at Catholic Fairfield University. As early as 1999, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued a formal condemnation of Sr. Gramick, permanently prohibiting her from all ministry involving homosexuality. This dissident nun went so far as to blaspheme, stating that the holy friendship between Our Lord and Saint John is “for lesbian and gay people a hope for a blessing for same-sex relationships…”
Fr. Donald Cozzens, a Catholic priest whose published writings and interviews undermine priestly celibacy is another speaker. Celibacy is “burdensome and unnecessary,” his writings affirm. In a CNN commentary, Fr. Cozzens further states: “…it should be left to the individual priest and seminarian to determine whether or not he is blessed with the gift of celibacy.” He also received the “Priest of Integrity” award from Voice of the Faithful, a radical dissident group pushing for the destruction of the Church’s hierarchical structure.
Dr. Paul Lakeland is also listed to speak. Although he openly defies Catholic teaching, he runs the Center for Catholic Studies at Fairfield University. A former Jesuit priest, Dr. Lakeland supports abortion, contraception, women’s ordination and same-sex “marriage.”
More dissident speakers are on the roster, but the point is sufficiently clear: the event is a brazen attempt to undermine God’s law and turn the truth upside down.
Who’s funding the event?
The Arcus Foundation, which works to “advance LGBT equality, as well as to conserve and protect the great apes” is bankrolling the endeavor. This foundation pours millions of dollars into programs that, according to its web site, promote the “moral equality” of “LGBT rights” and the protection of monkeys.
Call it sin, not diversity
The homosexual movement would like to “change” the Church because Its holy doctrine is a roadblock to their radical goal: same-sex “marriage,” adoption privileges, and eventually, complete and unrestricted sexual anarchy. “There’s an alarming effort to force teenagers and college students to accept homosexual behavior as normal, even on many Catholic campuses,” observed TFP Student Action Director John Ritchie. “Never has so much sin been promoted in the name of diversity.”
According to TFP research, 41% of Catholic universities and colleges allow pro-homosexual clubs to freely operate on their campuses. (See research report)
“It’s so basic, but worth repeating. God created male and female: Adam and Eve. Tampering with that reality – which is rooted in nature itself – only favors moral confusion and sinful activity,” said Ritchie. “Behavior against nature has a name. It’s called sin, not diversity.”
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